неділя, 22 травня 2016 р.



Nowadays we have many types of art. But not all of them are interesting, because they are common.We live in the art era so that I think that we should pay our attention on something new. Street art is visual art created in public locatons, usually unsanctioned artwork executed outside of the context of traditional art venues.I think that it is something creative, cutting - edge.
Artists can conjure up everything that they want. They can use their imagination to create something that will impress public. I think it is very beautiful and pleasant, when you are walking along the street and see something that can make your mood better or can make you to think over something.
There are some beautiful pictures on buildings as proofs that street art is something unreal and imaginative.

Also, I think that if it had been possible, some gallery owners or collectors would have bought these beautiful works, but ,unfortunately, it is impossible. I suggest you to watch one interesting and amazing video with 100 street art works. I was impressed by it. 

 In conclusion I want to say that everything that we do is art. So, create and your art, necessarily, will reach a success in the nearest future.

субота, 21 травня 2016 р.

The Creator

What if I created the whole world, 
And exhibit you my divine creation? 
As a man said: "art belong to nation", 

This world is a part of you all. 

To build a Rome is a hard work indeed, 
But imagine, if I managed to make it: 

From brick to marble, yes, I did. 
I made oasis from a dry pit.

I believe, I will leave a legacy,
And there won't be trouble with piracy, 

That I definitely change the convention 
And create a bold direction.

And you can be so, you just need to astonish,
Keep on working and merely don't be a donnish,
Always to alter and never to cease
And one day you'll execute your masterpiece.

неділя, 15 травня 2016 р.

середа, 11 травня 2016 р.

Dimitra Milan
         Art seems to be a simple and a short word. But can you imagine the 21st century without it? I can’t, because art makes our life bright and unusual, it brings people pleasure. There are a lot of interesting and talented people who create masterpieces. I want to introduce you such a person. Her name is Dimitra Milan. She is an artist of 16 years old. Only look at these pictures, they are magic aren’t they?

        On paintings of young artist portrayed harmonious world of dreams where anything is possible. The author uses in his works elements of collage, combining oil and spray paint, acrylic. Dark tones combined with bright, giving life paintings. Her paintings are a mixture of abstraction and realism. I suggest you wathing the video giving below. 

          Since childhood Dimitra loves animals, this love is reflected in her paintings - many of them portrayed symbiosis of nature and the feminine. She conveys in her paintings not subjects but moods and feelings.

         Remember that art has no boundaries. You can open a talent in 16 or even later. So do not be afraid to experiment and create something new. Remember create masterpieces is never too late!

пʼятниця, 6 травня 2016 р.


Have you ever tried to make a definition of the word "creativity"? I guess it's purely difficult. Try to think about creativity in your life and let's talk about it.

четвер, 5 травня 2016 р.

Why art should be in our curricula?

 Ministers of education in many countries have decided to make schools’ curricula, emphasizing the role of common core subjects. Unfortunately, they haven’t mentioned the role of art. In my opinion it is a terrible mistake. Why? I will explain.
   Many people claim that art is just fun and entertainment. Kids enjoy painting or making different sculptures. It brings real joy and satisfaction. But is it vitally important? Yes, the role of art in further development and personal growth is underestimated. There are some points you should know about art’s functions.
   1.  Creativity.  Art allows kids to express themselves, their feelings and inner world. If a child develops his creativity, he will be successful in future. Creativity helps people find unusual solutions of problems and outstanding ideas.
   2.  Motor skills. The motions you involve when you draw or play an instrument have a great influence on your motor skills. According to many research, 4-aged children should be able to draw a square and cut it straightly.
   3. Confidence. When you make art you are able to break all the stereotypes of narrow-mildness.  You cross that line of simple and trivial. So art helps you leave this comfort zone and make decisions.
   4. Accountability. I would like to say that art makes people disciplined. With the help of art children at school have a feeling of responsibility for their work. It teaches us, that people can make mistakes, but everybody can fix them and avoid in future.
   As you see, art is not just an application to our education. It forms a foundation of human character and soul. Let art be present in your life.

Speaking of creativity, here is my essay due on supermarket tricks:

Supermarket Tricks 

In this cruel world of ads
You should be on full alert:
When you come to buy some bread
You somehow grab dessert.

You buy milk 'cause it’s on sale,
Bags of chips will be for fun,
Then you put a cake on scales,
Then you feel the smell of buns.

You spend money very quickly
On the products you don’t need,
You get tricked into this weekly
And the shops and stores succeed.

When you’re walking through the aisles
Take your grocery list with.
Thus, you won’t fall prey to guile
Of the advertising gist.

All sellers want to make you buy more,
But try to be strong to resist a temptation,
Every time when you enter a store
Keep in mind this useful information.

субота, 30 квітня 2016 р.

Sidewalk or 3D art

Art has been a part of our life for as long as humanity has existed. For thousands of years people have been creating, criticizing, and enjoying art. Our modern art can include different types of art, such as painting and drawing, music, with the voice or an instrument, sculpture, architecture, literature, computer art, and more. In this post, I’d like to introduce you one of the most unusual types of art, which is called sidewalk art.

Street painting, also commonly known as pavement art, street art, and sidewalk art, is the performance art of rendering artistic designs on pavement such as streets, sidewalks, and town squares with impermanent and semi-permanent materials such as chalk. 3d street art are gaining much popularity these days. Notable brands are already taking advantage of public’s curiosity on 3D street paintings to create awareness for their products. Sidewalk art has the ability to turn pavement into a canvas. In fact, some of the greatest pieces of art of our generation are not only right under our eyes, but also, under our feet. Street Art, often known as 3d chalk art is 2-dimensional artwork drawn on the street itself that gives you a 3-dimensional optical illusion from a certain perspective. It can be moving, breathtaking, realistic and at the same time captivating once you get the angle correct.
To sum up, I would like to say that sidewalk art it is really exciting and interesting art. And talented street artists have crafted an amazing ability to trick our eyes into seeing 3 dimensional sceneries and objects on a completely flat asphalt. So, we should follow the example of these people and create something of your own interesting and fascinating.


Every person can be a creator

         What is art? A lot of people consider it to be an occupation of musicians, painters, designers, film-makers, sculptors and photographers. But to my mind everyone can create something that will push the limits of normal things, something that seems to be special for him or her. 

четвер, 28 квітня 2016 р.

Ukranian Selvador Dali

          The arts are an essential part of public education. From dance and music to theater and the visual arts, these programs give children a means of expression that helps capture their passions and emotions, allowing them to explore new ideas. The arts touch every aspect of our lives.

          Today, in 21 century people can’t live without new feelings and  they always want to create something new and unusual. There are many talented painter in the whole wold but now I want to introduce you our Ukranian Selvador Dali. And later you know why he has such а nickname.
           Only look at the picture? Nothing unuseal? You admire the scenery, suddenly notice the eyes looking at you from the picture. It is amazing, isn't it?
And this kind of art calls something like "doubleview". These pictures have double or even triple content. 
          The name of the artist is Oleg Shuplyak. He lives in the West of Ukraine. By education he is an architect but he found himself in the art. Oleg draws in more traditional genres: associative symbolism, abstractionism, surrealism; engaged in restoration and church paintings. Optical illusion - is his the most intersting genre. This genre hasn't special name yet, but it belongs to surrealism, in fact this is something new and something different.
         The special fiature of Oleg's pictures is national theme. Here are his pictures of Taras Shevchenko and other on the national theme.                                                                                                         

        So, Ukraine has many talanted people and these people can change someone's life only by their talant. Enjoy your life!

неділя, 24 квітня 2016 р.

The Mind Of The Artist

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” 
― Pablo Picasso

The artist’s mind is not well understood,
It’s full of mysteries and dreams,
But its intent is to enrich and to do good.
Conjuring up images with fitful gleams.

понеділок, 7 березня 2016 р.

The Qualities of Being A Successful Businessman

The Qualities of Being A Successful Businessman

On the question of being successful
In some different business areas,
It may seem to be a bit stressful
In deciding some questions of matters.

How to boost  your productivity?
Our time is a limited resource. We have only 24 hours a day but sometimes it seems that our colleagues or groupmates have a time machine. They always meet the deadline and manage to do additional tasks. There is a question: why some people are better at juicing the maximum out if their hours? The answer is simple: they work smart. There are some tips which can help you to boost your productivity.
1. Get organized. People spend many hours in order to find their shoes or socks. Even in a computer it can be hard to find the necessary file. So you waste your time, trying to find something and this only minimizes your day productivity. Imagine how many hours per week you lose on your preparation! Therefore you have to keep everything in order.
2. Remove distractions. It is not a secret that the Internet helps you to procrastinate. You start working and then you watch cat videos or check how Justin Bieber is doing and whatsoever. Do not do this. Focusing on your work will double your productivity. You can check your E-mail, update your status or post some pictures later.
3. Plan your day in advance. You can write a to-do list. This will help you to dive into your work from the very beginning of the day and you will be able to complete the tasks quicker. There is a wide choice of such apps where you can create a to-do list. Planning your activity in advance let you be more concentrated.  This situation is familiar to going to the shop. You are wandering the grocery aisles trying to remember what you should buy then you go home and find out that you have forgotten to buy something and you have to come back. If you had written a list you wouldn't have forgotten anything. So plan everything properly. It must be your motto.
3. Just start. It may sound strange but when you start doing something you will work on it. This is what we call Zeigarnick effect. It is the effect of uncompleted tasks. This term is named after Zeigarnick, a famous scientist. She claims that uncompleted tasks stay in our minds until we finish them. People have intrusive thoughts and feel uncomfortable when something is not finished. That is why you should just start working and you will have 50% of success.
4."Turning off". All people have a finite amount of attention and energy. To avoid burnouts and exhaustion you have to "turn off" sometimes. You can travel or just have some weekend. Working overtime can lead to chronic stress. Therefore, occasional rest can even improve your skills and develop your ingenuinity.
5. Happiness leads to success. Sean Achor, Harvard researcher says that 75% of job success depends on your optimism level and your social support. To improve your productivity you shouldn't be just hardworking, you should take care of yourself outside work. Visit your family, walk with your friends, and buy something beautiful. It will be a breath of fresh air and it will double your productivity.

With the help of these tips you will be able to manage your hours  and to get more things done in shorter periods of time.


How to start a business

Nowadays, there are a lot of people who want to start their own business, but not all of them envision how to do it. In this article I will try to help you in creating your own business.

To pave the way for your own business you should create your own plan how to reach the goal.
First of all, I think that the person who wants to start his or her own business should be responsible, benevolent and inventive. Also this person should be with wishful thinking. If you think that you are such person,read the next steps.
 So,let`s start.
Step 1. You should come up with an idea for a business before you do anything else. This should be something you are passionate about, since your new business will consume a great deal of your time and money. Also be sure that your idea is unique. It will help you to make your business more successful.Create your own brand new and also motto.
Step 2. Use different tools and resources to create a business plan. This written guide  will help you map out how you will start and run your business successfully.
Step 3. Make a marketing plan. Write a budget:money, you can spend on this deal.
Step 4. Advertisement. Create your own web- site, invite your friends.
Step 5. Try to find investors and suppliers.People,who are interested in your idea will help you . With help of this people your margine will be increased. 
You can also find some interesting information in this video "How to start a business in 10 days":


To sum up I want to say that if you want to create something new and interesting, you must do it! Because, if it will be useful for people they will beat  a path to your house. You ,of course,will have competitors on your road, but if you are insured in your forces you will reach the success, not your competitors. 

       So,I wish you good luck in your future plans!

How To Start Your Own Business Without Money

To start your own business from scratch is not as difficult as you think. The most important point here is the money. And in this article I want to give you some tips how to start your own business without it.
The only way to build a business from scratch with no initial investment is to start a business with
service industry. Working in this kind of business you may have a big margin. Subsequently, such a business can develop and move on to the next levels, more attractive financially.
1. You need to choose something to do. It depends on your skills and interests. The most important rule here - you must like what you do.
2. Sell your services.
For this you should have any gadget. Using it you can create your own brand new and motto. Also you need to do a website, where you will locate advertisement about your services.
3. For the further development of your business, you need to start saving money.
It is important to save some percent of your earned money each months. In future you may invest it in something bigger than your present business.
Here are some very useful tips, which can help you, starting your own business without money.

To sum up, the real businessman must be inventiveness, strong in spirit and never give up. Only then you will achieve real success and maybe, one day, you will have your own big business with investors, suppliers, employees and customers.

How to become a successful businessman?

Businessman is a person engaged in business activities and receives income from its activities. He or she can be engaged in the production, sale or provision of services. Every sphere has a lot of varieties of which could be addressed. The main thing is to choose something that you like.

First of all, you simply find yourself in life. In order to become a businessman you must act decisively. You should spotlight your ingenuity, responsibility and inventiveness.

 You must understand when you creating your own business, you become an independent person. You must learn to rely only on yourself and on your own strength.
Secondly, you have to change your thinking because a businessman thinks completely differently than employees. You must pave the way for your business. Business is always an interesting idea that stands out from the rest. If you have such an idea, you should implement it in life.
Competition is an unpleasant thing, but eternal. It has always been and will be. A competition should not be forgotten, but constantly thinking about it should not be. Competitors will be looking for your flaws in business.  It is directed against all and all live with it. You should create something brand new or maybe something that you upgraded.
 A lot of businessmen are afraid of making mistakes. Remember those who do nothing make no mistakes. You should not be afraid of making mistakes.

In the first place, if you have some great idea of starting a business, you have to act and embody it in life. In order to become a successful businessman, a person must be persistent and hard working. If these qualities are not developed in a person, it helps motivation. The most popular motivation now is to provide for themselves and their families a decent life.
Therefore go confidently to your goal and never give up!

неділя, 6 березня 2016 р.

How to become a really good businessman

Each person who decided to open his or her own business is interested in how to become a successful businessman .  And everyone finds his own way to become rich and successful. But one the most important advice is to create business strategy of behavior and to adhere to it.
But if the person don`t have the main qualities of the businessman any strategy, even the most brilliant won't work. Therefore before begin the business activity, surely person should estimate himself and his forces.
I want to give you some tips on how personally you can become a successful businessman.
First of all you should be ready that you will have a lot of troubles. Business  don`t like people with soft and kind character. You should be strong and unshakable person. All the responsibility is on you. And your success or failure depends on you.
Life of the businessman is full of constant problems which arise at the most inappropriate moment. The main thing for you is to be able to react on the appeared problem in time. And don`t be afraid of failure. Experience of successful businessmen shows that failure is the strongest motivation for further development of the enterprise. Besides, it is also invaluable experience.
Develop skill to communicate. Ability to communicate correctly, to start new communications with people who are necessary for you, whether it is partners in business, clients, competitors is also important for a businessmen as well as an investment of money. Create image of the pro, the perfect look and internal charm will help to gain trust of others and to become the successful businessman.
Never be lazy. Business demands discipline and diligence. And ask your employees to be responsible and do not be lazy. Control them.
Don`t solve problems by yourself. It is ok to ask for help. And you should remember that there are a lot of people who know more than you and can do some things better than you. So, it is normal to ask experts for help.
And one of the most important thing - don`t be afraid to stand out of crowd. If you have an extraordinary idea don`t be afraid to express it. Nowadays, we have almost everything and if you have something new, something fresh just try it and maybe it will bring you a lot of money and success.

I hope someday my tips will work for you and you will become successful businessman.  


Nowadays more and more people are willing to start their own business, to become independent and successful in life. But, to tell the truth, this is not an easy thing to do. First and foremost, a person must have such features of character as ingenuity, responsibility, courage, ambition and inventiveness. These features are extremely important if one is eager to pave the way for success and create his own venture. Well, if you possess such features, you are already on your way to success. Let us now move on and spotlight several important steps one should make to start his own business. 

      Nowadays we use the word « business» in our daily communication. A business also known as an   enterprise,firm or agency which is involved in production of goods or services. Business is                  something we have been doing during the whole life.

     Starting your own business is more popular nowadays. If you want to start a business, you need think well and mediate all pros and cons. Starting your own business is one of the most good ways to make extra money month after month. Of course, in order to start you need money, in order to invest your business. If you do everything good, you will meet such people as competitor, retailer, employee, supplier or investor. It easy to create something new just write a business plan, it will help you to run your business successfully; get business assistance ( take advantage of counseling services);choose a business location( consult with your friends);  register a business name; and register for state taxes, get a business licenses or permits.

  To sum up, I want to say,that business is very interesting job. It will help you to realize all your ideas, thoughts, you will meet new people and make an acquaintance.

What should person do to open his or her company?

 We live in a 21th century, where almost everything depends on money and I think that every person in his or her life dreams of richness and stability, in order to have the life he or she wants.  But unfortunately being rich is not easy and you have to do a lot in order to earn enough money for your life. So let us spotlight different steps that you have to undergo to reach a success.