Our time is a limited resource. We have only 24 hours a day but sometimes it seems that our colleagues or groupmates have a time machine. They always meet the deadline and manage to do additional tasks. There is a question: why some people are better at juicing the maximum out if their hours? The answer is simple: they work smart. There are some tips which can help you to boost your productivity.
1. Get organized. People spend many hours in order to find their shoes or socks. Even in a computer it can be hard to find the necessary file. So you waste your time, trying to find something and this only minimizes your day productivity. Imagine how many hours per week you lose on your preparation! Therefore you have to keep everything in order.
2. Remove distractions. It is not a secret that the Internet helps you to procrastinate. You start working and then you watch cat videos or check how Justin Bieber is doing and whatsoever. Do not do this. Focusing on your work will double your productivity. You can check your E-mail, update your status or post some pictures later.
3. Plan your day in advance. You can write a to-do list. This will help you to dive into your work from the very beginning of the day and you will be able to complete the tasks quicker. There is a wide choice of such apps where you can create a to-do list. Planning your activity in advance let you be more concentrated. This situation is familiar to going to the shop. You are wandering the grocery aisles trying to remember what you should buy then you go home and find out that you have forgotten to buy something and you have to come back. If you had written a list you wouldn't have forgotten anything. So plan everything properly. It must be your motto.
3. Just start. It may sound strange but when you start doing something you will work on it. This is what we call Zeigarnick effect. It is the effect of uncompleted tasks. This term is named after Zeigarnick, a famous scientist. She claims that uncompleted tasks stay in our minds until we finish them. People have intrusive thoughts and feel uncomfortable when something is not finished. That is why you should just start working and you will have 50% of success.
4."Turning off". All people have a finite amount of attention and energy. To avoid burnouts and exhaustion you have to "turn off" sometimes. You can travel or just have some weekend. Working overtime can lead to chronic stress. Therefore, occasional rest can even improve your skills and develop your ingenuinity.
5. Happiness leads to success. Sean Achor, Harvard researcher says that 75% of job success depends on your optimism level and your social support. To improve your productivity you shouldn't be just hardworking, you should take care of yourself outside work. Visit your family, walk with your friends, and buy something beautiful. It will be a breath of fresh air and it will double your productivity.
With the help of these tips you will be able to manage your hours and to get more things done in shorter periods of time.
The main idea of that post is how to boost your productivity. I think that introduction is effective and after reading it, you want to know the answers on this important question.
ВідповістиВидалитиThe author used five tips, doing which you can save much time. And she supported them with effectively evidence.
Although the conclusion is short, it is effective and it supplements the main idea of the post. The post is quite long, but it is easy to read, because the author used the simple words.
I didn't find any grammar mistakes and sentences structure is good. Also she used a lot of active vocabulary.
To my mind, she choose very interesting and important theme, because nowadays people don't spend their time properly and they have a lot of problems because of this.
To sum up, I will try to do how the author wrote. And I think that these tips will help a lot of people, which has much work to do, but hasn't any time for it.
The main idea of the post is how to boost your productivity. I consider this theme to be very useful as it is really important to know what we can do ‘to juice the maximum out of our hours’.
ВідповістиВидалитиThe introduction is effective because it makes us think about our time that it is not limited. Of course, it is universal truth but not all the people know how to become smarter in the context of productivity.
The author introduces us some useful tips that can help us. All of them are supported by its description, explanation and example. Everything is easy to understand and easy to use.
In the conclusion the author motivates us to use these tips on practice. And I consider this post to be effective as we are teenagers and we usually spend our time by doing nothing that’s why we usually can’t manage to finish everything in time. So, these tips can help us to avoid such situations and to be more organized and responsible.
I haven’t find some grammatical mistakes, only one misprint in the first paragraph (‘at juicing the maximum out of their hours’), but it’s not a serious mistake at all. There are a lot of active words in the text and all of them are used appropriately. The author did great job.
The most of all I liked the content of the post that is really fresh and easily operated. And also the author uses some jokes while telling us some useful information. I consider it to be modern and smart.
There are some questions that I want to ask:
- Are you an organized person? Do you usually do everything in time?
- Do you usually write a to-do list? Does it help?
I can’t say that I’m an organized person and I usually can’t do everything in time but after reading this post I can understand that it is not so hard to manage my hours. I think that the author deserves the best mark.