пʼятниця, 6 травня 2016 р.


Have you ever tried to make a definition of the word "creativity"? I guess it's purely difficult. Try to think about creativity in your life and let's talk about it.

Creativity is any action, idea, or product that changes an existing one, or that transforms an existing one into a new one, sometimes it's done to achieve perfectionism and sometimes just for fun. This is something absolutely new and different.
There exist a special kind of people who are considered to be creative. They have special features of character and way of thinking. Of course they are not hubris, though they always have something special in their mind. Most creative persons are very passionate about their work. Another important feature for them to be inspired all the time is integrity. Besides, if you want to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective, besides you have to develop divergent thinking. Whenever possible you have to be ready to use your flexibility, fluency, originality and elaboration to brainstorm new ideas.
If you consider yourself to be such a person, never be tongue-tied, never wait for the special occasion, but fulfill your ideas as soon as possible! Show yourself and your ideas to this world, don't be shy to daydream and never be a doodle.
Another important thing for a creative person, is not to lose hope. It's common knowledge that "different strokes for different folks", nevertheless there will always be people who love and don't love things and ideas you create. You just have to put up with it, and even if your idea was humiliated, don't be afraid to brainstorm a new one and present it.
You can see that being creative is a very appealing thing, as this is not just following somebody's example, but this is always paving your own way in certain situations. Develop the features of character I listed for you in here and make your life bright and special. Stay inspired all the time.

1 коментар:

  1. The main idea of this post is to tell us about what is creativity. The introduction is quite effective because we can get to know about the definition of creativity. The post has some key, the author tells us about some features of creativity and about creative people. There are no grammatical and lexical mistakes that hamper my understanding of the author’s message. There are a lot of active words. My post has another topic but the same structure. Most of all I liked that the author inspire us to create something and develop features of character. My impression is good and I discovered many interesting things for me. I like this post and I will give the best mark.
