понеділок, 7 березня 2016 р.

How to start a business

Nowadays, there are a lot of people who want to start their own business, but not all of them envision how to do it. In this article I will try to help you in creating your own business.

To pave the way for your own business you should create your own plan how to reach the goal.
First of all, I think that the person who wants to start his or her own business should be responsible, benevolent and inventive. Also this person should be with wishful thinking. If you think that you are such person,read the next steps.
 So,let`s start.
Step 1. You should come up with an idea for a business before you do anything else. This should be something you are passionate about, since your new business will consume a great deal of your time and money. Also be sure that your idea is unique. It will help you to make your business more successful.Create your own brand new and also motto.
Step 2. Use different tools and resources to create a business plan. This written guide  will help you map out how you will start and run your business successfully.
Step 3. Make a marketing plan. Write a budget:money, you can spend on this deal.
Step 4. Advertisement. Create your own web- site, invite your friends.
Step 5. Try to find investors and suppliers.People,who are interested in your idea will help you . With help of this people your margine will be increased. 
You can also find some interesting information in this video "How to start a business in 10 days":


To sum up I want to say that if you want to create something new and interesting, you must do it! Because, if it will be useful for people they will beat  a path to your house. You ,of course,will have competitors on your road, but if you are insured in your forces you will reach the success, not your competitors. 

       So,I wish you good luck in your future plans!

5 коментарів:

  1. I think ,that the main idea of the posts answering the question « HOW TO START A BUSINESS». The post shows 5 steps how to start a business. I think, that introduction of this post is good enough, because it turns attention of the reader and show that first of all, person must have the desire in order to start a business. The post have 5 steps, which supported the video(how to start the business in 10 days).The conclusion of post is effective, because it inspire to create something new and beat path to your house. There were a lot of active words. Interesting video and pictures which help the post maintain the idea. As for my post, I have less active words, but I think, that the idea the same. To my mind, its really useful information for those who really want start own business, and it have a good idea, introduction and conclusion, that’s why I give a high point to this video.

  2. Автор видалив цей коментар.

  3. The main idea of this post is answering the question "how to start a business?", telling about important steps to be made and important features of character to be possessed.
    The introduction is effective. because it gives brief excursion into the main topic of the article.
    At first the author admitted that if a person possesses certain features of character, then he can follow further rules. Then the author gives us 5 tips and supports all of them by the video. Besides, every step contains the information about the advice directly and then the author explains what exactly must be done and why this is so important.
    The conclusion of this post in quite effective, as it nudges us to start working.
    In terms of spelling: "such A person"; "create your own brand new and..." -> brand new WHAT? (product/idea/thing); "THE motto"; "with THE help of.."; "this people" -> "these people"; the use of future is impossible after "if" -> "if it will be successful for people"; instead of "insured in your forces" it is better to say "sure of..". The author used active vocabulary properly.
    The thing that I really like is that this post is well-structured and it has additional material (video), so that it's interesting to read and easy to understand the post.
    My question to the author is "If a person doesn't possess such features of character, what should he do and how can he gain them?"
    My writing doesn't have such a good structure and maybe I should have marked my key points out.
    The overall impression from this post is good, as it supplied me with important and full information on this topic. The mistakes doesn't hamper my understanding, this means that they are not serious. I'd give this article the highest grade.

  4. The main idea of this post answering the question «how to start a business?». The author give us 5 steps on how to start our own business. The introduction is good, it gives us small review on the main topic. Also, I like that the author dives us her own opinion about which features of character a successful businessman should have. Then, there are 5 tips. I found them very interesting and truly effective. They are quite short and understandable. Besides, there is a very informative video. There are some mistakes in spelling. I really like that the post is well-structured and very informative but in the same way simple in understanding. There are a lot of active words. If compare with my post I used less active words. To sum up I want to say that it is really good post and it inspire ypu to wark. It`s really good .

  5. The main idea of this post answering the question «how to start a business?». The author give us 5 steps on how to start our own business. The introduction is good, it gives us small review on the main topic. Also, I like that the author dives us her own opinion about which features of character a successful businessman should have. Then, there are 5 tips. I found them very interesting and truly effective. They are quite short and understandable. Besides, there is a very informative video. There are some mistakes in spelling. I really like that the post is well-structured and very informative but in the same way simple in understanding. There are a lot of active words. If compare with my post I used less active words. To sum up I want to say that it is really good post and it inspire ypu to wark. It`s really good .
