субота, 30 квітня 2016 р.

Sidewalk or 3D art

Art has been a part of our life for as long as humanity has existed. For thousands of years people have been creating, criticizing, and enjoying art. Our modern art can include different types of art, such as painting and drawing, music, with the voice or an instrument, sculpture, architecture, literature, computer art, and more. In this post, I’d like to introduce you one of the most unusual types of art, which is called sidewalk art.

Street painting, also commonly known as pavement art, street art, and sidewalk art, is the performance art of rendering artistic designs on pavement such as streets, sidewalks, and town squares with impermanent and semi-permanent materials such as chalk. 3d street art are gaining much popularity these days. Notable brands are already taking advantage of public’s curiosity on 3D street paintings to create awareness for their products. Sidewalk art has the ability to turn pavement into a canvas. In fact, some of the greatest pieces of art of our generation are not only right under our eyes, but also, under our feet. Street Art, often known as 3d chalk art is 2-dimensional artwork drawn on the street itself that gives you a 3-dimensional optical illusion from a certain perspective. It can be moving, breathtaking, realistic and at the same time captivating once you get the angle correct.
To sum up, I would like to say that sidewalk art it is really exciting and interesting art. And talented street artists have crafted an amazing ability to trick our eyes into seeing 3 dimensional sceneries and objects on a completely flat asphalt. So, we should follow the example of these people and create something of your own interesting and fascinating.


Every person can be a creator

         What is art? A lot of people consider it to be an occupation of musicians, painters, designers, film-makers, sculptors and photographers. But to my mind everyone can create something that will push the limits of normal things, something that seems to be special for him or her. 

четвер, 28 квітня 2016 р.

Ukranian Selvador Dali

          The arts are an essential part of public education. From dance and music to theater and the visual arts, these programs give children a means of expression that helps capture their passions and emotions, allowing them to explore new ideas. The arts touch every aspect of our lives.

          Today, in 21 century people can’t live without new feelings and  they always want to create something new and unusual. There are many talented painter in the whole wold but now I want to introduce you our Ukranian Selvador Dali. And later you know why he has such а nickname.
           Only look at the picture? Nothing unuseal? You admire the scenery, suddenly notice the eyes looking at you from the picture. It is amazing, isn't it?
And this kind of art calls something like "doubleview". These pictures have double or even triple content. 
          The name of the artist is Oleg Shuplyak. He lives in the West of Ukraine. By education he is an architect but he found himself in the art. Oleg draws in more traditional genres: associative symbolism, abstractionism, surrealism; engaged in restoration and church paintings. Optical illusion - is his the most intersting genre. This genre hasn't special name yet, but it belongs to surrealism, in fact this is something new and something different.
         The special fiature of Oleg's pictures is national theme. Here are his pictures of Taras Shevchenko and other on the national theme.                                                                                                         

        So, Ukraine has many talanted people and these people can change someone's life only by their talant. Enjoy your life!

неділя, 24 квітня 2016 р.

The Mind Of The Artist

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” 
― Pablo Picasso

The artist’s mind is not well understood,
It’s full of mysteries and dreams,
But its intent is to enrich and to do good.
Conjuring up images with fitful gleams.